TLS CA ====== This feature is used to encrypt all cloud service endpoints (both public and private) using TLS certificates obtained from an external provider. It does this by interfacing with the existing Traefik instances in the cloud. A Traefik instance is associated with either public or private cloud traffic. [note type=“note”] **Note:** TLS CA is currently the only way to enable TLS in Canonical OpenStack. [/note] Enable TLS CA ------------- To enable TLS, you’ll need to provide information that identifies your chosen Certificate Authority. Do this by specifying a CA certificate and its CA certificate chain. Run the following command to enable TLS for public endpoints: :: sunbeam enable tls ca --ca --ca-chain To enable TLS for public, internal and rgw endpoints, be explicit by using the ``--endpoint`` option: :: sunbeam enable tls ca --ca --ca-chain --endpoint public --endpoint internal --endpoint rgw Disable TLS CA -------------- To disable TLS in the cloud, run the following command: :: sunbeam disable tls ca All services will work as if TLS was never enabled. Use TLS CA ---------- TLS certificates must now be provided to the Traefik units. This is covered on the :doc:`Implement TLS using a third-party CA ` page.