Register the Juju controller ---------------------------- As a prerequisite, perform the following steps in existing Juju controller - `Add a Juju user `__. - `Grant necessary permissions `__ to the Juju user. For example: .. code-block :: text juju add-user sunbeam juju grant -c CONTROLLER sunbeam superuser ``CONTROLLER`` is a name of the Juju controller. Adding the Juju user will generate a registration token which is required to register the Juju controller in the Sunbeam deployment. To register the controller in Sunbeam use the ``register-controller`` command: :: sunbeam juju register-controller NAME TOKEN ``NAME`` is an arbitrary name to refer the Juju controller in Sunbeam. ``TOKEN`` is the registration token generated during Juju user creation. For example, to register an existing controller with the name ``prod-controller-01`` using a token generated as detailed above: :: sunbeam juju register-controller prod-controller-01 \ Tm90IGEgcGFzc3dkIGlmIHlvdSBjYXJlIHRvIGRlY29kZSB0aGlzCg== Unregister the Juju controller ------------------------------ To unregister the controller in Sunbeam use the ``unregister-controller`` command: :: sunbeam juju unregister-controller NAME For example, to unregister an existing controller with the name ``prod-controller-01``: :: sunbeam juju unregister-controller prod-controller-01