Manifest file reference ======================= This resource aims to provide a definitive structure of a deployment manifest file will all its supported keys. [note type=“info”] **Note:** The manifest file is currently only supported in channel ``2023.2/edge`` of the **openstack** snap. [/note] .. tip:: For a conceptual overview of manifests, see the :doc:`Deployment manifest ` page. .. code:: yaml deployment: # Use local network proxy to access external resources proxy: proxy_required: [true,false] # Proxy variables to use if 'true' is chosen above http_proxy: : https_proxy: : no_proxy: ,,... bootstrap: # Management networks shared by hosts management_cidr: ,,... # Example: # management_cidr: # Enter a region name (cannot be changed later) region: # Example: # region: RegionOne addons: # MetalLB address allocation ranges metallb: ,,... # Example: # metallb: k8s-addons: # Load balancer ranges loadbalancer: ,,... user: # Populate OpenStack cloud with demo user, default images, flavors etc run_demo_setup: [true,false] # Username to use for access to OpenStack username: # Password to use for access to OpenStack password: # Network to use for initial project network cidr: # Nameservers that guests should use for DNS resolution nameservers: ... # Enable ping and SSH access to instances security_group_rules: [true,false] # Local or remote access to VMs # Local mode - single node only remote_access_location: [local,remote] # External networking external_network: nic: # CIDR of OpenStack external network cidr: # IP address of default gateway for external network gateway: # Start of IP allocation range start: # End of IP allocation range end: # Network type for access to external network network_type: [flat,vlan] # VLAN ID if 'vlan' is chosen above segmentation_id: # MicroCeph microceph_config: # Disks to attach to MicroCeph nodes : osd_devices: ,,... # Examples: # sunbeam-1.localdomain: # osd_devices: /dev/vdc,/dev/vdd # sunbeam-2.localdomain: # osd_devices: /dev/vdc,/dev/vdd # sunbeam-3.localdomain: # osd_devices: /dev/vdc,/dev/vdd # TLS certificates: : # Base64 encoded certificate for unit CSR Unique ID: subject certificate: software: juju: bootstrap_args: - - - ... # Examples: # - --debug # - --agent-version=3.2.4 # - --model-default=test-mode=true # - --model-default=logging-config==INFO;unit=DEBUG charms: : channel: revision: config: