Projects and charms
Canonical OpenStack can be organized in terms of a number of underlying projects
as well as in terms of the individual charmed operators it leverages.
There are core, dependency, and extended dependency projects.
.. list-table::
:class: names
:header-rows: 1
* - Project
- Source Code
- Bug Report
* - MicroCeph Charm
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - OpenStack Snap
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Openstack Hypervisor Snap
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - RabbitMQ Charm
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Sunbeam Charms
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Sunbeam Terraform
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Ubuntu OpenStack Rocks
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
.. list-table::
:class: names
:header-rows: 1
* - Project
- Source Code
- Bug Report
* - Juju
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - MicroCeph
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Canonical Kubernetes
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Canonical Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - MySQL Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - MySQL Router Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Self-Signed Certificates Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - TLS Certificates Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Traefik Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
Extended dependencies
.. list-table::
:class: names
:header-rows: 1
* - Project
- Source Code
- Bug Report
* - Alertmanager Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - BIND 9 Rock
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Catalogue Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Grafana Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Loki Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Prometheus Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
* - Vault Kubernetes Operator
- `Source `__
- `Bugs `__
Both Kubernetes charms and machine charms are available.
Configuration options are useful when a deployment manifest is in use.
See the :doc:`Deployment manifest ` page.
Kubernetes charms
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Charm
- Configuration options
* - `Alert Manager `__
- `options `__
* - `Aodh `__
- `options `__
* - `Barbican `__
- `options `__
* - `Catalogue `__
- `options `__
* - `Ceilometer `__
- `options `__
* - `Cinder `__
- `options `__
* - `Cinder-Ceph `__
- `options `__
* - `Designate `__
- `options `__
* - `Designate-BIND `__
- `options `__
* - `Glance `__
- `options `__
* - `Gnocchi `__
- `options `__
* - `Grafana Agent `__
- `options `__
* - `Grafana `__
- `options `__
* - `Heat `__
- `options `__
* - `Horizon `__
- `options `__
* - `Keystone `__
- `options `__
* - `Keystone LDAP `__
- `options `__
* - `Loki `__
- `options `__
* - `Manual TLS Certificates `__
- `options `__
* - `Magnum `__
- `options `__
* - `MySQL `__
- `options `__
* - `MySQL Router `__
- `options `__
* - `Neutron `__
- `options `__
* - `Nova `__
- `options `__
* - `Octavia `__
- `options `__
* - `OpenStack Exporter `__
- `options `__
* - `OVN Central `__
- `options `__
* - `OVN Relay `__
- `options `__
* - `Placement `__
- `options `__
* - `Prometheus `__
- `options `__
* - `RabbitMQ `__
- `options `__
* - `Self-signed Certificates `__
- `options `__
* - `Tempest `__
- `options `__
* - `Traefik `__
- `options `__
* - `Vault `__
- `options `__
Machine charms
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Charm
- Configuration options
* - `Grafana Agent `__
- `options `__
* - `MicroCeph `__
- `options `__
* - `Canonical Kubernetes `__
- `options `__
* - `OpenStack Hypervisor `__
- `options `__
* - `Sunbeam Clusterd `__
- `options `__
* - `Sunbeam Machine `__
- `options `__