Service endpoint encryption


The encryption of service API endpoints in an OpenStack cloud requires a method for the creation and distribution of TLS certificates. Canonical OpenStack supports enabling TLS via the Traefik application, which is the ingress point for all service endpoints.

[note type=“info”] Note: Currently, only the TLS CA feature method is supported. This feature only works with certificates signed by an external Certificate Authority. [/note]

TLS CA feature

The TLS CA feature is the method to use for deployments that use a third party CA for certificates.

[note type=“caution”] Note: This feature is currently only supported in channel 2023.2/edge of the openstack snap. [/note]


For a how-to on using the TLS CA feature see Implement TLS using a third-party CA.

Points of interest for this design:

  • Enabling the feature will deploy charm manual-tls-certificates operator. It will integrate the manual-tls-certificates application with the Traefik application. This step requires a third party CA certificate and a CA chain.

  • Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) need to be retrieved for all Traefik units.

  • This method involves interfacing directly with the chosen Certificate Authority.

  • Each Traefik unit needs to be provided with a signed certificate. This updates endpoints with HTTPS and also distributes the CA certificates to all the application units across the cloud via Keystone.