This page shows how to manage deployment manifests. For an overview of manifests, see the Deployment manifest page.

[note type=“caution”] Note: This feature is currently only supported in channel 2023.2/edge and later of the openstack snap. [/note]

[note type=“info”] Note: Looking to use a manifest from an edge deployment ? Take a look at Manifest for non-stable deployments. [/note]

List manifests

To list all manifests, run the following command:

sunbeam manifest list

Sample output:


Applied Date


2024-02-05 12:17:59


2024-02-06 07:39:38

Show a manifest

To view the content of a manifest, run the following command:

sunbeam manifest show --id <manifest id>

Sample output:

      channel: 2023.2/candidate
      channel: 2023.2/candidate

To get the latest manifest, use the keyword latest instead of the manifest ID:

sunbeam manifest show --id latest

Generate a manifest

A manifest file can be generated using the below command:

sunbeam manifest generate --manifest-file <output file>

The generated manifest will be written to <output file>.

Manifest for non-stable deployments

Manifest files for the candidate and edge risks can be found in:


A manifest with complete channel information is needed to deploy on candidate or edge channels.

Specify a manifest

A manifest is specified by means of the --manifest option. There are three supported use cases.

Cluster bootstrap

To specify a manifest during the cluster bootstrap process:

sunbeam cluster bootstrap [--role <control|compute|storage>] [--manifest <manifest file path>] [--accept-defaults]

Cluster refresh

To specify a manifest during a cluster refresh (update) process:

sunbeam cluster refresh [--manifest <manifest file path>] [--clear-manifest] [--upgrade-release]

Only components managed via Terraform can be changed (bootstrap options will be immutable at this point).

[note type=“note”] Note: A manifest update must be accompanied by a complete manifest file (i.e. not a delta). [/note]

Feature enablement

To specify a manifest during the enablement (or post-enablement) of a feature:

sunbeam enable [--manifest <manifest file path>] <feature> [<feature options>]

A post-enablement invocation implies a manifest update.

[note type=“note”] Note: A manifest update must be accompanied by a complete manifest file (i.e. not a delta). [/note]